Saturday, March 27, 2010


If you are interested in an item email me the item and I will send you fabric and ribbon options.  Pictures will be sent in a response e-mail if you email me that you are interested in an item of mine.  We will decide a way of shipping and payment through


I can sew decorative pillows.  I can sew styles such as tootsie roll pillows, regular pillows,etc. Prices vary.

Canvas Paintings

I can paint crosses, flowers, initials, bible verses, famous quotes, pretty much anything. Prices vary.

Artistic Headbands

These headbands are fabric decorated with appliques, ribbon, fabric, etc that you tie under your hair, and they are $7.00
If you would like to make the appliques 3D, it is an extra 50 cents.

Fabric Appliques

Fabric appliques are simply cut out shapes, numerals, and letters, stitched onto items of your choice.  You choose the thread and fabric. Prices vary.

Silly Band Earrings

These earrings are simply silly bands(rubber bands in differtent shapes) with earring loops, sterling silver loops. $3.00